Treesize freeware
Treesize freeware

  • In the Options you can now define what TreeSize should do when it starts without a path to scan.
  • The extensions statistics now shows the Windows description and the corresponding icon for each file type.
  • The HTML export is now UTF8-encoded and exports Unicode folder names correctly.
  • Added support for file system Drag&Drop operations in the main window of TreeSize.
  • The top 100 largest files of the scanned path are now shown on an additional tab on the right pane.
  • Additional remote drives can be added using the context menu.
  • A new drive list box in the bottom left corner provides a quick information about the size and the free space of the local drives.
  • The Options dialog now has a checkbox, that let's you decide, whether or not TreeSize should appear in the Explorer context menu of Folders for the current user.
  • Windows 98/ME are still supported, but with limited Unicode capabilities.
  • Most parts of TreeSize are now Unicode enabled under Windows NT/2000/XP/2003.
  • This feature can be turned in the Options.
  • The tree now shows large hint windows that include detailed information about each node.
  • The tree control was replaced with a faster one, which increases the performance of a scan and expand operations in the file system tree.
  • The size of the XML-files has been reduced as well. All XML operations are much faster now and use considerably less memory.
  • The XML import, export and compare have been improved.
  • In the New Dialog "Schedule Tasks" (Tools / Schedule Tasks) you can now add customized TreeSize Tasks to the Windows Scheduled Tasks.
  • Because of the latency of hard disks and network drives, this new feature drastically reduces the time necessary for scanning a file system branch. The number threads that are used is adjusted automatically dependant on the system load.
  • TreeSize now scans a file system branch with multiple threads.
  • Het changelog van deze release laat de volgende veranderingen zien: Changes in V4.0: De software is beschikbaar in de smaken Personal en Professional, de onderlinge verschillen worden op deze pagina uit de doeken gedaan.

    treesize freeware

    Dit kan in een 3d- of een taartpuntgrafiek worden weergegeven en voor zowel enkele files of een folder, of hele partities of harde schijven. Zo is onder andere te zien hoe groot de bestanden zijn, hoeveel ruimte ze innemen, wanneer ze het laatst benaderd zijn, wie de eigenaar is en wat de NTFS-compressieratio is. Dit programma geeft in handige overzichten weer wat er op de harde schijf staat.

    treesize freeware

    Jam Software heeft TreeSize Professional voorzien van een update naar versie 4.00.

    Treesize freeware